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作者:调解时间:2024-11-09 06:44:00 阅读数: +人阅读



  诉前调解是法院在正式开庭之前, tries to help both sides resolve their dispute outside of court贷款审核后放款时间. 这个过程是自愿的, both sides 都可以选择是否参与,你们接受了诉前调解, a judge or a mediator will help you try to reach an agreement. 达成了协议,就可以避免法庭审判, saving both time and money.

  那为啥会收到12368的短信呢?因为根据中国的法律程序, when someone files a lawsuit against you, the court will send you a notice. This notice can come through different ways, including text messages sent to your phone. The number 12368 is the service hotline for China's courts, so when you receive a text message from this number, it means that the court is trying to contact you about a legal matter.

  收到这样的短信, what should you do? First, don't ignore it. It's important to respond to the court's notice in a timely manner. Second, check the details of the case, understand the other party's claims, and gather evidence to prepare your defense. Finally, consider whether you want to participate in the pre-trial mediation. It could be a way to resolve the dispute quickly and avoid a long and expensive court case.

  收到12368诉前调解短信, It's a sign that there's a legal matter that needs your attention. Take it seriously, and take the necessary steps to protect your interests. Remember, the earlier you address the issue, the more likely it is that you can resolve it without going to court.

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